Tuesday, March 9, 2010

this is harder than i thought

who knew it would be so hard to get people to see a blog?
oh well.. ill keep plugin away at it
there will be many more videos to come
some how to's and some just for fun

Sunday, February 28, 2010

fun in the snow!

a few videos playin in the snow with the golf cart

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

gotta love the snow

its been a while since my last post
I have been working on the next video, but its hard to find the time to upload it.
ill get the next vid uploaded soon, then even more vids on batteries and carts
and other little projects ive been working on
so stay tuned

Sunday, January 31, 2010

The next battery in the test

I found this one out in the weeds. Not sure on the age of this one, but its a good canidate for the epsom salt test
one table spoon of epsom will be added to all 6 cells of the battery
and put on charge for 48 hours

Saturday, January 30, 2010

After adding the mix

Here is the vid just after i added the epsom salts
I will be trying other larger batts in future posts
so stay tuned!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Lets begin at the begining

Here is the first of a series of videos about epsom salts in lead acid batteries

enjoy and tell me what you think

Sunday, January 24, 2010

water water everywhere!

Its been raining all day...
going to have a nice lake in the backyard...

darn gadjets

ive decided to manually post my vids on here...
enjoy them

and tell me what you think

wow this is going to be fun?

first ting id like to say is i cant spell, cant type and i swear alot

but im going to use this blog to share my discoveries in rejuvenating batteries for golf carts and cars...

there might be a while between posts because some of the tests take a while to do...

first post

this is the first post to this blog